The Domino Effect…

Here is a story about how 1 person Has effected 10s of thousands of people’s lives around the world, without even knowing It starts way back in 2012 There were only 2 weeks to go until I needed to hand in my dissertation at university And the options where simple, hand it in and a […]

What a week it has been 🥵

The week we have had isn’t by chance either… I remember a few years back, when I asked a Facebook Ads client why he decided to join the programme and it was simple 🗣you post so much value for free, that your paid stuff must be insane That one comment has stuck in my mind […]

It’s taken me 5 days to kick my doubt away 🦵

The legend that is Josh Mullin owner of the group UK PTs has asked me to create a training for the group Now there is 15k FitPros in the group and some big players too And this has been holding me back from getting the work done 🤯 That little question of doubt that someone […]

A Few People To Check Out

I often get asked what we do at DKnine Fitness for…[INSERT TOPIC] So today, I wanted to give a shout out to a few people and business that we use to help DKnine Fitness run smoothly 🙌 First up we have Shane J Nugent MSc from SJN Nutrition (Shane Nugent), Shane has been keeping our […]

Audience for online – worldwide or local?

Got asked a question earlier on what type of audience you should run for an online programme Here’s what I had to say… ⬇️ Great question [person who asked] 🙌 Selling anything comes down to Know, Like & Trust “KLT” Which means connecting to your audience is key The longer it takes, the less 💷 […]

Your Fitness Business Marketing Done for You 💪

Keeping your fitness business front of mind is absolutely KEY right now When the doors open again, you NEED to be the go-to FitPro they think of first That’s why I wanted to share with you our Done for You Marketing Service From SGPT & Team Training gym owners like DKnine Fitness To large group […]

I’m sorry Mam…

20th December rolls around each year I jump on Amazon, then search for… Gifts for mum The next day, the gift arrives at my mums house in time for the big day🎄 And as with anything else in 2020 I tried to do things a little different 😅🤷‍♂️ I was cruising on Facebook around the […]

It always comes as second nature

We were a week out from Christmas when my brother came home to North Wales from France At the time Sion & Ellie were allowed to travel in & out of Wales with his return flight booked for the first week of 2021 2 days after landing, Wales go into a Full Lockdown & his […]

What a difference a day makes….

First of all, I just want to thank every single person that commented and actually reached out to me after yesterdays posts I’m not usually the type of guy who posts that type of stuff on Facebook But yesterday was hard 😟 I set such high expectations that when we don’t hit them, I feel […]