Who is David Kyle?

We’ve been updating the sales page for the FitPro Portal, and I wanted to add in more about me and the team for anyone who doesn’t much about us 🙌 So I dug out an interview I did for Ash Burleigh and cut out the section of where I introduced myself 💪 Therefore if you […]

Amazon Could Easily Bankrupt Me 😖

There was a period when FitPro Lead Gen still worked out of the gym Amazon LITERALLY had control of my bank card 😬 Each day, one of the coaches would be signing for the parcel and bringing it in to me Getting to a point where it felt a little embarrassing that they would be […]

Always Go That Extra Mile 💪

Every Monday/Tuesday me & Willow sit for about 20 minutes and record a welcome video to EVERY SINGLE new member that joins the free group Today we had over 40 videos to record 🤯 Remember not everyone is going to buy right away, it takes time to build trust, to deliver value and give them […]

Stop Re-Inventing The Wheel…

One of the hardest jobs I have ever had to do was Teach kids 18 month – 6 years play football It was back when we use to run Explore Football in North Wales When we got started, I had trained kids 6 years and upwards Having great success and coaching for Southampton FC Development […]

Q: Best way to advertise on Facebook?

Here is a question I just answered in a Facebook group on Facebook Ads ⬇️⬇️ Apologies this isn’t going to be a short answer 🤣 Okay before even considering your ads, you first need to consider your sales funnel, your offer and audience. This will dictate how you Ad’s set up. There is also a […]

If I told this to my gran 20 years ago…

She would have laughed at me 🤣 Yet, this is happening literally all around us this day and age And I’m not talking about the C word 🤐 I’m talking about meeting people on this thing that lives in the sky – the internet Which they then pay you without even meeting you face to […]

What a first week of the year 🤣

What a first week of the year 🤣 DKnine should be packed All gyms across the UK & world should be having their best month Yet, COVID just keeps on giving There now, finally does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel UK FitPros… Put this date in your calendar 📅 […]

I once had the laptop lifestyle…

Back in 2017, for 5 weeks, we lived the laptop lifestyle Sat on beaches in Thailand, MacBook open, watching the world go by Yet, I don’t think it lived up to the hype you read on the internet… For one, the time zone situation was a killer But that’s not the point of this story […]