Everyone Need A Staff Member Like Steven 💪

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Customer service is key to maintaining clients in our fitness business

The more the client feels looked after, wanted, appreciated & encouraged

The longer they are going to stay with you

But… There are times, where you just can’t help everyone

This is where you need someone like Steven

Who is Steve? Then listen in 👂

Last week, the car was due in for its first service

Back in 2016 when we decided that we would rather lease cars than buying, we made the decision to also take out the maintenance/service pack too

So all we have to do is pay 1 fixed price each month & never worry about any other bills 😅

Fast forward to last week, they asked if we had a maintenance/service pack

I replied… Yep, we got it, minus the tyres this time as the sales guy said the tyres cover was almost £150 extra a month 😱

So they checked their records & no maintenance/service pack could be found 🤯

🗣 Leave the keys with us Mr Kyle, we will find out by the time you come & pick it up

4pm arrived…

🗣 Mr Kyle, your car is now ready, but we haven’t been able to find your maintenance/service pack

After about an hour of arguing, going through all the paperwork, no maintenance/service pack could be found 🤬

I explained, who the guy was that sold us the car, the conversation we had about the tyres, to no avail

Their sheet said no maintenance/service pack 😫

I paid the 200 odd pound for the service & to get the car released

Drove off saying I am not renewing with Volvo

Completely forgetting about the situation, I get a phone call on Tuesday

🗣 Mr Kyle, it’s Steven from Volvo, I have some good news

Instantly I was like no 🤬 way 🤣

🗣 Yep Mr Kyle, I could see how convinced you were that you had the maintenance/service pack, that I did some more digging, asked the sales team to take a look too, 10 minutes later we found the maintenance/service pack

Now, how good is that 🙌

Instantly restoring my faith in Volvo & ready to send a pack of beers down to Steven

Remember… Customer Service matters

The better your team can be at this, the longer you will keep your clients

You got this 💪

David 🙂
