Nothing get’s you fired up for the day like making a few sales first thing
But when this WhatsApp landed at 9:20am yesterday morning, It did make us all smile in the office 😆
Not 1, not 2… but 4 SALES before 9:30am 🤝
Totalling £550 or £137.50 each for a 6 week outdoor bootcamp
Let’s break it down from us launching the ads to the clients making the sale…
1: We start by fully learning everything we can about the clients business & offer
2: We then request a number of creatives & videos
3: We then create the ads copy, edit the images & videos
4: Then launch the ads for the client, these ads are conversion ads sending people to a landing page
5: From here, the lead is then sent to a booking page (1 of the sales booked themselves in)
6: If they book, they are then taken to a success stories pages to get them excited for that booking
7: LeadDec then takes over for the clients sending out daily texts & emails for the first few days
8: But if the clients can jump in before that first text goes out, he will phone them up (1 of the sales landed at 8:03 & he phoned them up a few minutes later & sold to them)
9: All client sales are made on the phone in a one call close
10: The final 2 sales came from him feeling pumped from the first sale just after 8 & started phoning the rest of the leads
YES! He phones leads at 8am in the morning & at any point possible until 8:30 where he stops for the evening
Did you watch yesterdays automation training? If not…
11: LeadDec then moves all none sales onto a 4 week follow up text & email
I am also working with this client away from our ads management service on helping him put all the systems, process & structure into growing his outdoor bootcamp with coaching programme —>>
✅ Chase, Chase, Chase those leads
✅ Ensure your ads are stopping the scroll
✅ & never, ever stop chasing your leads 👊
You got this 💪
David 🙂