End Of Week Review & Why You Can Control The Speed Of Life!

But first, let me take you back to when I was like 7 or 8 years old

I grew up in a tiny village, where you had complete access to the school grounds & field

Summer holidays had arrived & they were dragging

Growing up in such a small village with limited people & at a time of no internet

I would sit looking into the distance wondering why time was going so slow

Yet, fast forward to the last week, which it was completely action packed, the week also felt like a long one

For me, life drifts by quickly when I am doing the same repetitive tasks, over & over again

Weeks & months would fly by when I just coached clients, back in the day

With nothing to break up the norm, life just drifting from day to day


It’s a very special thing we have been gifted & one, we can easily take for granted

Enjoy it, do things that are difficult & make your life an adventure 🤓

Anyway… let’s get back to growing your business & making money 💪

The solicitors are taking an age with getting the mortgage sorted 🤷‍♂️ It’s like they don’t want to get paid 🤣

🗣️ Mr Kyle, we are waiting on this check & waiting for that report. These things take time

Yet on the flip side…

The new car, has arrived about 2 weeks early

BMW want to get paid & we get to go pick it up on Thursday 🚗


Enjoy it & don’t forget to have a laugh along the way 🤩

You got this 💪

David 🙂