Personal Posts

Personal Posts

Stop Letting Your Standards Drop 👊

It’s really costing you clients & therefore costing you profits​❌ Don’t let your staff have their phone on the gym floor❌ Don’t forget one week

Personal Posts

So, So, So Frustrated 😣

If you decide you want to help people grow their fitness business…​Then please actually teach them the foundations of building a solid business​& stop preying


If I Was To Open A Gym Again…

A question I frequently get asked​So here goes, 5️⃣ things I would do if I was to open again 💪​1️⃣ Work Out The Rough Total

Personal Posts

Change… CHANGE is Scary 😨

The only thing is… change is also necessary for growth​And when I say change, I am also referring to tweaks, updates, developments or any other