Meet Scott… Off The Gym Floor, Then 😏

Meet Scott… Off The Gym Floor, Then 😏

Last week we welcomed Scott to the FitPro Incubator 💪 Studio owner with 100+ clients & a part-time coach Scott could be seen by many as someone who has made it 💪 Studio doing well, money is decent, not working 80+ hour weeks

Your Pricing is Holding You Back 💷

Your Pricing is Holding You Back 💷

Most FitPros are either… 👎 Charging too little & working crazy hours just to scrape by 👎 Charging too much & scaring people away Either way, it’s stopping you from growing This week inside the FitPro Incubator, we broke down Pricing Strategies That Drive Profitability & it was a game-changer 🔥

Here Are 3 Back-Ups Every Fitness Business Should Have 💪

Here Are 3 Back-Ups Every Fitness Business Should Have 💪

Firstly… I am sooo bad for this, just ask Holly I have 2, 3 or sometimes 4 of the same things Just in case 😆 And that… JUST IN CASE part is so key here

I Had A Virtual Slap To The Face Today 😰

I Had A Virtual Slap To The Face Today 😰

It’s never fun losing a client Then finding out a few months later they’ve now signed up with a competitor What stings even more… Finding out the reasons they left in the first place Simple fixes that are now in place, but at that time, we didn’t know