Predicting Long Term Client Retention 💰

Keeping clients for the long term is what is going to make the money in your fitness business

So if you’re struggling with retention now, there is probably one simple reason for it

When we entered Universal the other week, they had a clear plan to maximise US for what THEY need

They need us to spend more, stay the whole day in the park, plus have the best experience ever


There is a direction to walk, paths to follow & ways THEY want you to move around

They make it super easy for you to buy merch & snacks

They position the restaurants & food stalls in specific locations

& they put the parades on at set times

All to maximise US for what THEY need!

If you haven’t mapped out your client journey in your fitness business

Then it makes it almost impossible for you to track metrics & your business needs for each client

For example… what needs to happen in the first 4 weeks to secure a client for the long term

What days, weeks or months have you planned the upsells you need them to buy

At what stages of their time with you have you mapped all the success stories you need from each client

Plan this stuff out & your retention will skyrocket & your profits will grow 💪

This is the exact type of stuff we cover with all clients during their initial 90 days with us 🙌

To learn more about our “Done for You” Ads Management service or the Incubator Coaching service

Then reach out 🔥

You got this 💪

David 🙂