What kids football can teach you about FB Ads…

Back when I was a kid I used to play football for a team who had this striker As we all know, the aim of the striker is to score the goals But what made this set up unique, was that his dad would pay him £1 for every goal he scored Being switched on, […]

David… What is it that you actually do?

I was devastated when this message landed in my Inbox 😔 Why?? Because if the person that asked this questions doesn’t know what I do Then, there is a strong chance a lot of you reading this don’t know either Now before I actually do dive in and clear up this message The second reason […]

Are you being lied to? 😱

I came off of a call earlier with a new Portal member, a little annoyed You see this person mentioned they had spent 0000’s on previous courses & mentors All resulting in little to no drastic business growth 🤷‍♂️ One mentor told him that paid advertising doesn’t work 🤷‍♂️ Then another told him that organic […]

Don’t fear change… change is GOOD!

If Something in your life or business isn’t going to plan You’re sat there thinking & contemplating making a change Yet every time you pluck up the courage to make the change -> You suddenly have a wave of fear come over you And you know what… It’s totally fine to feel that fear Every […]

I don’t think you need another business course…

All of you out there that did the Simon Lovell course back in the day Put your hands up 🙌 This was the first course I ever paid for and boy it wasn’t cheap Since then, I have invested, wasted and tried a load of additional courses With the scary part being We already know […]

An update on Alwyn the van 🚌

It’s been just over 6 weeks now since we picked up Alwyn from the VW garage in Cardiff Inspired by YouTube videos, travel and holidays abroad being limited this coming year and potentially the next The aim was simple… We wanted to purchase a van we could convert into a camper & tour the UK […]

Is fear still holding you back?

Let me take you back a number of years when we were traveling down to Southampton from North Wales The weather wasn’t great and the motorway traffic kept stop-starting When we slowed down for the next set of delays BANG 💥 The driver behind me drives right into the back of me Luckily for us, […]

You make WAY more money when you do this…

It’s crazy to think The world doesn’t know what you’re thinking, doing or selling It’s why Social Media has changed the world when it comes to telling the world what we do in our lives From… David is sat at home watching Netflix To… David checked in to Goodison Park with Holly We post on […]

If only I had these as a kid… 🔦

As a kid, summer months where the best  We would be out playing football, climbing trees and getting up to all kinds of mischief until gone 8pm  Then the winter months would arrive  Which would mean less light 💡, less warmth and less desire to get soaking wet  Fast forward to […]

Be confident in YOU 🙌

We literally live in the most difficult times when it comes to running a business No matter where you look, there are people doing the same thing Companies that have been going for years Others that are just getting started There has definitely been times where you have noticed this and thought Should I even […]