5 Tips On Generating Income Outside Of Your Main Business

The phrase: ‘Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket’ Can be applied to many areas of our fitness business Including… ✅ when it comes to your Lead Gen set-up & also ✅ when it comes to your services Having multiple income stream can not only boost your income & profits into your business It […]

It’s Always Best To Cover Your Back

From time to time, something will happen in your life and you will think Dammm… why didn’t I do [insert action] to stop this from happening Because you knew deep down that something was going to happen one day And you had been thinking of doing it for a while I could literally name a […]

Maybe You Should Use FB Ads In A Different Way 💪

Running paid advertising, especially FB Ads, can rapidly help grow your fitness business I know from personal experience, starting from scratch twice and only using FB Ads to get the business off the ground The process we use is also relatively simple Ads -> Landing Page (collecting name, email & phone number) -> Call The […]

Paid v Organic Marketing 💪

I’ve been seeing a lot of people suddenly start talking about organic marketing Then when you dig into the style/system they are using It comes down to one single strategy… which is just DMing as many people as you can If you are one of those that has tried this style, then you probably know […]

Do You Still Need A Facebook Page?

Over the years, the importance of having and running a Facebook Page has gone down After all, Facebook has reduced the average page view to well below 10% per post Meaning if you have 100 likes, less than 10 people will see each post Yes, this will increase depending on the engagement the posts can […]

Know your FB Ad Campaign Types

Right then… IOS14 has brought up a number of issues over the last few weeks Including having to verify domains, leads not being tracked and a number of other issues 🤷‍♂️ So I wanted to do a little test… 1️⃣ Are Leads actually being missed? 2️⃣ What’s Conversion types are working best? So this test… […]

OMG… it’s start of Q3 😱

Until about 2 years ago Q1, 2, 3 & 4 meant nothing really to me This was until I really started to look at my bank account You see your bank account doesn’t LIE If you don’t like the numbers that it’s showing Then you and only you can change it 💪 And it was […]