Stripe, GoCardless or Something Else?

If you have no idea what I am talking about, then where have you been 😆​Collecting money is obviously critical to your business working​But we also need it to be smooth​Easy to use for both you the business owner & for the clients​& of course CHEAP​It’s why in LeadDec, we connect Stripe up for clients […]

I Have An UNBELIEVABLE Offer For You 😆

But first, here is who it is for…​Gyms, Facility, SGPT & Bootcamp Owners​& now this particular offer would also work for PTs​Sorry, online FitPros, we just don’t generally work with you 🤷‍♂️​So if you didn’t know… we run Facebook & Instagram Ads for fitness business owners who need a consistent flow of leads into their […]