Don’t Get Hung Up…

It was the first night of The Isle of Wight festival last night here in the UK

I have been a few times now & Thursday are always the night of a more chilled approach

No major headliners playing, no main stage open, just more of a relaxed opening night

Yet this year, things are a little different…

This year’s festival is the first one since the lockdown

✅ Increase measures were put in while booking

✅ Vaccine passports needed to be shown when entering

✅ Plus a few wore masks

But once the music started playing, the tension dropped

Everybody got up, relaxed and got on with the first night

& the best part… There were smiles everywhere 😆

Now things can go wrong all the time in life & business

👎 Your best client leaves

👎 A marketing plan didn’t work out

👎 A staff member handed their notice & dropped you in it

Now when these things happen, you literally have 2 choices

1️⃣ fight, rebel & get hung up

2️⃣ accept, adapt & move on

I know what I would do

You got this 💪

David 🙂