What a question this was from one of our Incubator clients today
We were chatting about how he was going to best support his online clients
Having previously, before joining me & Ash, used a Facebook group to manage clients
Now making a switch to use Discord
If you haven’t used Discord before, then you should check it out; it offers way more than a Facebook group for a client support group/forum
Which brought about the questions…
🗣️ Do You Really Need A Facebook Group?
& the answer from both me & Ash was
YES! But not as you may think 😏
First off, having a client group for managing clients is still an excellent idea
You can do a lot in it, it’s easy to use, no extra apps are needed & the admin of the group is easy too
If you are after something that offers a lot more customisation & flexibility then there are a number of apps/software for that
For the Incubator, we did start with a WhatsApp chat, but as it grew
It was just carnage with conversations all over the place
Why YOU should still have a Facebook group, is as follows…
1️⃣ Facebook groups are super easy to join, no additional software is needed to join
2️⃣ Setting up & managing a group is super easy too
3️⃣ It’s super easy for your members to invite people to join the group
4️⃣ It’s really easy for prospects to find the group too
👆 and that is why YOU should have a Facebook group
Not for clients, but for your prospects
Imagine it as your prospect pool, ready for you to dip in & pull clients out as you need them
Check out FitPro Lead Gen Group —>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitproleadgen/
We provide a load of free content, guides & resources
Building know, like & trust with the members of the free group
Giving us permission then to occasionally put a direct offer to the group & make sales
When we had the studio in Cardiff, we also had a Facebook group called: Cardiff Over 30s Health & Fitness
Those 4 points mentioned above & a couple of posts going in each week, plus an offer a month…
Brought us in a steady flow of new clients who didn’t need sales calls or hard selling 🔥
Not got a free group, then it’s definitely something to add to your Lead Gen Eco-System 💪
For more details on the Incubator, follow this link —>> https://fitproincubator.com/
You got this 💪
David 🙂