Business Growth Is All Based On This One Outcome 🫣

When a new coaching client joins us inside the FitPro Incubator

They start with a Game Plan call, & one of the very first questions I ask…

Dictates how successful they will be in business

It’s a question that took ME a while to answer when I was getting started

But once I had the answer, everything changed 🤩

& the reason I’m talking about this

Is because I had a catch-up call with a coaching client earlier, & he reminded me that this question has stuck in his mind ever since we had the first call a few months back

Now before I reveal this groundbreaking, business explosion question 😆

I need to set the scene…

You got into business because you WANTED “x”

Your clients joined you because they WANTED “x”

We as humans are extremely selfish

It’s nothing to be ashamed of…

Your personal needs, wants & gains will always come first

This is usually not the case when it comes to running a fitness business 😆

And that really is this groundbreaking question….


Not what does the business want or need

Or what would you like


Your business is like a car, you drive it to your end destination

But you could also walk, catch a bus, ride your bike & more

But without that end destination, you wouldn’t go anywhere

So to keep your brain firing this Friday evening, think hard on what YOU want

Because once you know that

✅ Your business model

✅ Your pricing

✅ Your session times

✅ Your marketing & sales

All become a lot clearer 💪

And now only needs you to take the wheel & drive 🔥

If you’re ready to have me as your co-pilot & help you not just reach those personal goals, but smash through them

Then have a read —>>

You got this 💪

David 🙂