Meet Scott… Off The Gym Floor, Then 😏
Last week we welcomed Scott to the FitPro Incubator 💪
Studio owner with 100+ clients & a part-time coach
Scott could be seen by many as someone who has made it 💪
Studio doing well, money is decent, not working 80+ hour weeks
But that’s the thing…
The people we look up to also look up to others & have their own personal goals 🔥
For example…
He’s not a fan of waking up at 4:30am to get down to the studio
& he wants to spend more time with his family
So we came up with an action plan, a plan that can comfortably be hit in the next 12 months 💪
1️⃣ Generate more MRR per client, so if a client pays £100 a month, we now need them to give us £105 or £110
2️⃣ Get off the gym floor, finding a second part-time staff member to replace Scott in the mornings
3️⃣ Build the SOPs, so Scott can leave the business to the team & take 2, 3 weeks or even a month off
4️⃣ Increase Scott’s salary by £20k 🤩 meaning we need to add another 40 clients to cover all new costs
Then & only once all this is in place…
He can start planning studio 2 💪
The scary part is, I said 12 months at the start 🤨
But already in week 1, he’s:
✅ Created a new high-ticket programme
✅ Announced price increases
So 12 months? More like 6-8 months 😎
If you’re ready to scale your fitness business & be held accountable to build one that works without you
Then let’s chat about the FitPro Incubator —>> https://fitproincubator.com/
You got this 💪
David :)