So, So, So Frustrated 😣

If you decide you want to help people grow their fitness business…

Then please actually teach them the foundations of building a solid business

& stop preying on struggling FitPros, rinsing them for thousands & delivering absolute drivel

Had a few calls the last few days & it blows my mind how much some people charge, yet deliver… well, I’m not sure what they deliver 😆😬

🤷‍♂️ not being shown how to track finances accurately to work out what it takes to actually make a profit

🤷‍♂️ no staff handbook or KPIs in place to ensure targets are being hit & a world class service is being delivered

🤷‍♂️ no understanding or reasoning about having a front end offer & how to maximise client success through it to push the retention rate sky high

I could keep going!

Growing a “SUCCESSFUL & PROFITABLE” fitness business isn’t just leads & sales

There is so much more that goes in to ensure you’re not working 70, 80, 90 hours a week

Where you actually make decent money now & very good money after

If you have someone trying to charge you an absolute fortune for a “coaching programme” & they can’t show you the complete framework to a long term profitable business

Then run 🏃‍♂️

Anyway 😆

You got this 💪

David 🙂