Call Until They Tell You To F🤬🤬k Off!
People often think that if they phone, text and email a lead that they are pestering them. And that as a result they will just never answer you and therefore they will never convert into a sale. Well guess what? You would get the exact same outcome if you never chase these leads. If you […]
4 Facebook Ads Campaigns That WORK 🙌
Different types of Facebook Ad Campaigns you could potentially run to be able to generate new leads into your Fitness Business 💪 1️⃣Conversion Ads This is when you take someone from one page to another and is being ‘converted’. They are giving you some sort of details. They do this by clicking your ad, then […]
Lets talk Client Reactivations & Referrals 🗣
Client Reactivations and Client Referrals can be targeted in the same way as they both have a similar outcome. The aim is to try and contact somebody who’s going to bring us more clients whether that trying to get an old client back or trying to get a client referral. You need to be speaking […]
Lets Talk About Speed ⏱
I want to talk about the importance of speed, especially when you get a brand new enquiry. And the way I am going to do this is by taking an Ice Cream shop at an example🍦 When you walk up to the counter at an ice cream shop. They are not just going to stand […]
Lets talk websites 🖥
Today I want to talk to you about Websites. More specifically, the simple elements you need to have on your website to ensure it works for you. You do not need to have loads of pages on your website, you just need to keep it nice and simple. For example: 1️⃣The home page/intro section This […]
How to increase your clients Life Time Value 📈
What is a client LTV? A clients life time value is the average length of time your clients stay with you. For example, if on average clients stay with you for 12 months and they pay you £100 a month. Your client LTV will be £100 x 12 = £1200. How to increase a clients […]
How to make friends (sales) in 3 simple steps 💪
How to make Friends 😀 I know you’re probably thinking what on earth has this got to do with my business? 😳 Well let me explain how… So I have been on my summer holiday in Turkey for the past week now. It is an all-inclusive resort meaning there has been no need for us […]
Want To Make It Rain Leads & Sales? 😏
Lets Talk About a Lead Gen Ecosystem 🌎 What is a Lead Gen Eco System? A Lead Gen ecosystem means having more than one source to generate leads from. Why do this you may ask? Well if all you do is run Facebook Ads, what happens if one day Facebook suddenly decide to stop running […]
The Sale is in the Follow Up 🤩
People often see your adverts and your social media posts and they comment or enter their details yet still do not reply when you contact them. You need to be considerate of people’s lifestyles in order to understand why this happens. For example, lets take someone who works in an office 👨💼 They wake up […]
The School Told Me Not To Come Back 😢
What’s up, guys? David here from Fitpro Lead Gen. I wanted to share a little story with you about proving the doubters wrong. So when I finished secondary school, I was going to move onto sixth form and unfortunately I walked in the first day of sixth form and all the teachers said to me, […]