Had a great call earlier with a new FitPro Incubator Coaching client who’s in need of making sales FAST 💨
He’d been on a number of mentorships before
All giving a wide range of strategies to generate leads
But at the end of the day, he NEEDS to make SALES
Which means ebook leads, free group leads, or even free challenge leads are not where he needs to be spending his time right now
So instead of wasting time trying to create, build, then manage all these which are long-term leads
Let’s get him some sales fast 💨
So I wanted to share with you the exact strategy I gave him
To generate 3 calls a week & make a minimum of a sale from those calls
1️⃣ His Facebook Profile 🔵
There are a few points for this section, but to keep it simple, we need to build his friend list
Adding 30 new “target audience” prospects as friends each day
Messaging all “target audience” friends
Plus posting a minimum of 1 “Comment Below” post
Obviously, there is a lot more to all of this, but this alone should get a minimum of 1 call a week 💪
You can also do this on Instagram too 🤓
2️⃣ Maximising Your Email List 📧
I first sent him training on planning his monthly sales
This way, he can plan out the type of emails being sent each week
Knowing when to go hard on sales & when to build KLT
With the email list too, we want to ensure we have a plan of attack, rather than a scattergun approach
This will make your life easier 😅
Finally, we want to be making sure we are adding in a call booking link to all emails going out
📧 Emails should get you another call booking a week
Plus when chatting to prospects on Facebook or Instagram, be sure to grab their email to add them to your list
3️⃣ Over To You 🤝
To finish, I set him the task to find 1 more call booking from anywhere else he could think of
And there are so many ways to get 1 more person to book a call in a week
And that really is it 😆
Probably the less techie & possibly simplest way to generate 3 call bookings a week
While also taking at max 2-3 hours a day
Honestly, growing your fitness business doesn’t have to be complicated 🫡
If you’re after a bit of accountability, guidance & support not just from me, but a bunch of awesome FitPros, then you should come check out The FitPro Incubator —>> https://fitproincubator.com/
You got this 💪
David 🙂