It always comes as second nature

We were a week out from Christmas when my brother came home to North Wales from France At the time Sion & Ellie were allowed to travel in & out of Wales with his return flight booked for the first week of 2021 2 days after landing, Wales go into a Full Lockdown & his […]

What a difference a day makes….

First of all, I just want to thank every single person that commented and actually reached out to me after yesterdays posts I’m not usually the type of guy who posts that type of stuff on Facebook But yesterday was hard 😟 I set such high expectations that when we don’t hit them, I feel […]

Who is David Kyle?

We’ve been updating the sales page for the FitPro Portal, and I wanted to add in more about me and the team for anyone who doesn’t much about us 🙌 So I dug out an interview I did for Ash Burleigh and cut out the section of where I introduced myself 💪 Therefore if you […]

Amazon Could Easily Bankrupt Me 😖

There was a period when FitPro Lead Gen still worked out of the gym Amazon LITERALLY had control of my bank card 😬 Each day, one of the coaches would be signing for the parcel and bringing it in to me Getting to a point where it felt a little embarrassing that they would be […]

Always Go That Extra Mile 💪

Every Monday/Tuesday me & Willow sit for about 20 minutes and record a welcome video to EVERY SINGLE new member that joins the free group Today we had over 40 videos to record 🤯 Remember not everyone is going to buy right away, it takes time to build trust, to deliver value and give them […]

Stop Re-Inventing The Wheel…

One of the hardest jobs I have ever had to do was Teach kids 18 month – 6 years play football It was back when we use to run Explore Football in North Wales When we got started, I had trained kids 6 years and upwards Having great success and coaching for Southampton FC Development […]

Q: Best way to advertise on Facebook?

Here is a question I just answered in a Facebook group on Facebook Ads ⬇️⬇️ Apologies this isn’t going to be a short answer 🤣 Okay before even considering your ads, you first need to consider your sales funnel, your offer and audience. This will dictate how you Ad’s set up. There is also a […]

If I told this to my gran 20 years ago…

She would have laughed at me 🤣 Yet, this is happening literally all around us this day and age And I’m not talking about the C word 🤐 I’m talking about meeting people on this thing that lives in the sky – the internet Which they then pay you without even meeting you face to […]

What a first week of the year 🤣

What a first week of the year 🤣 DKnine should be packed All gyms across the UK & world should be having their best month Yet, COVID just keeps on giving There now, finally does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel UK FitPros… Put this date in your calendar 📅 […]

I once had the laptop lifestyle…

Back in 2017, for 5 weeks, we lived the laptop lifestyle Sat on beaches in Thailand, MacBook open, watching the world go by Yet, I don’t think it lived up to the hype you read on the internet… For one, the time zone situation was a killer But that’s not the point of this story […]