Have you been going that extra mile?

This weeks been a good week for the clients of DKnine Fitness here in Cardiff We surprised them with a new rig 💪 Everyone had a Thank You card thought the post A number also had their trophies delivered for the annual DKnine Awards Plus today I finished a 5 Day Kickstart Challenge for Over […]

When the cool kids came in with something new…

Take your mind back to your school days When the coolest kid turned up at school with the latest new craze Maybe you where in the skate gang and you had a skate board The cool kid rocks up the next day and he has the latest roller blades In your mind, you go… Wow! […]

Is A Poster On Your Bedroom Wall A Little Childish??

Here is a questions for you… As children, we would have posters on the bedroom wall Posters of your favourite footballers, of cars & of your favourite super heroes As you got older, it changed to girls/guys & training heroes or places you want to visit Yet, as we get older, would it be a […]

Don’t get left behind…

Boris has changed the game today In Wales on Friday, we where left still wondering when, guessing & predicting Yet still had no clue 🧐 Today, even though it’s still some way off Gyms in England have a date, have something to work towards, something to count down until So fellow FitPros in England It’s […]

The Future Is Not Always Visible…

Following Friday’s announcement by the Welsh Government It has shown us again that literally the only thing you have control of is… YOURSELF For us 2020 was supposed to be the year 🙌 We had some amazing plans for DKnine Fitness We had set some pretty high goals set for FitPro Lead Gen And we […]

Please… this has cost you an interview 🤯

As the lockdown SLOWLY comes to an end We are getting things ready to re-open here at DKnine Fitness And we have some big grand plans in the office This means we need to take on a Sales Manager to help with chasing leads and bringing new clients on board 🙌 The advert is out […]

Holly Messed Up, with A Positive Outcome 🤨

First of all, if you are a FitPro based here in Wales You 100% need to be jumping on the SportsWales website and be chasing down the latest ‘Loss of Earnings’ grant If you’re not based in Wales, just do a quick Google search and you may find some grants available to you 💪 Anyway… […]

12 Week Online Ads Set Up

It might sounds crazy But sometimes… Well actually most of the time To get to the point you desire You have to start at that exact point Because only then, once you know the exact place you want to get too Is when and how to get to that point becomes clear For example, a […]

We’ve been getting over 500+ views a day 😱

I was on my weekly call with Yaseen the other day When we started looking into what the numbers were for both our YouTube and the podcast First up was YouTube, quick look and wow 😱 We have been getting 500+ views a day, CONSISTENTLY! On the flip side, the podcast only gets like 35 […]