Remember… you either want it or you don’t

As a FitPro we all know what it takes to get on stage & be in complete physical shape Months of dedicated time in the gym Months of specific meal planning & consumption Months of saying no to social events, nights out and anything that can ruin the GAINS Then the big day comes, you […]

DKnine Cardiff is 3 Years Old 🙌

It’s 2014 & I am sat in Morrison’s car park Watching Elliot Hulse You know the guy, he’s big on YouTube, wears sandals & loves training IN HIS STUDIO This was my inspiration, my dream & one of the reasons I wanted my own gym The only difference being he is in ☀️ 🇺🇸 & […]

Your competition LITERALLY want you to have their clients…

Now you will probably want to read this again Your competition, the people who are targeting the same audience as you Are doing everything in their power to give you their prospects and clients And I see this day in and day out They make it so easy for you, because they find a way […]