Nutrition That Simple, Even A 7 Year Old Could Help…
⬆️ This was something we always use to push in our consultations when it came to the nutrition element of the programme we where saying We would would have it in our ads, in our emails, on all the posters The reason? We knew our target audience didn’t want to spend hours cooking & making […]
Why Certain Fitness Business Kill It with Ads
With what we do at FitPro Lead Gen, we have a great insight into 100’s of Fitness Businesses around the world From multi-gym & studio FitPros to Boot Camp owners & individual PT Fitness Business We get to see first-hand how their ads are performing, what their follow up process is like & how they […]
You SHOULD Be Raining Leads 🌧
I wanted to follow on from the post yesterday where I shared 3 ways to generate leads 🙌 Honestly, generating leads should be one of the easiest parts of running your fitness business Yet, we ALWAYS make it super difficult for ourselves I know, I have been there & done exactly this… ✅ Focus just […]
It’s YOU They Buy From 🤓
I was having a great chat with Ash & Shane the other day about creating content & courses Then after you spend your hard hours creating it, you learn that someone else has copied it & tried to pass it as their own It could be your ads copy, your emails, your website or many […]