3 Insta Lead Gen Strategies 📱

If running paid ads isn’t in your budget right now, then going organic is the way​& Instagram is still a great place to generate new leads for free, but… the payment you make will be in time 🤷‍♂️​So if time is what you or your team has, then here are 3 ways to generate leads […]

The Ultimate Lead Gen Toolbox 🧰

This is something I don’t talk about enough In fact, I’m not sure when the last time I wrote an email or post about it And it’s been a game changer for so many businesses, you can read the reviews here —>> https://www.thefitproportal.com/ A few years back, before we had such a large team It […]

I Might Need To Sack A Staff Member 😬

When you have repetitive tasks that are done manually​Then set it up to now happen automatically, then a staff member could be in danger of losing their job 🫣​That is a lighthearted comment but could be so true​When a new client joins us, we were, up until Monday, doing everything manually​😅 We sent them the […]

We Helped Roughly 10,953 People Last Year Feel Better 🤩

Basically, we have been approached to enter for an award for digital marketing campaign of the year​Therefore, over the last few days, we have had to dig deep into the numbers from all the clients we worked with last year to put the figures together​And what a number that is…​The reason I am still here […]

Steal Our 3 MOST Important Ads Set Up Steps 😎

Running ads on META can be a game changer for your fitness business​Twice I moved to a new location, knew nobody, and launched a fitness business where I could step away… all because of running META Ads 💪​Running the ads and generating the leads is just one part of the process 🤓​You then need to […]

FitPro Summit: 4th Speaker Announcement 📣

A client can do so much more for your fitness business than just give you money directly 👊 Well, this is what I, 😆 yep, me, David Kyle, will be talking about at the summer summit ☀️ Once a prospect becomes a client, we need to squeeze them for everything we can get from them […]

😬 It’s My Fault He Now Pays VAT!

On Wednesday, me, Sambo, & Grace jumped on a train & headed to Chelmsford To meet long-time client, Russ 🤩 The first thing you will notice about the image is that this ISN’T your regular bootcamp set-up 😆 With Strongman Yokes, Sleds, a Huge Monkey Bar Rack, & so much more It’s one pretty sweet […]

Going from 4 or 5 a month to Over 20 🔥

Life can come at you fast 👊​One minute you’re the best around​Then a few things crop up, you take your foot off it & your competition quickly catches you up​And what’s worse is…​The competition doesn’t even come close to offering what you do​Frustrating, right?​This is the case here…​A long-time follower, who’s been watching from a […]

Accurately Predicting Your Business Growth 📈

Imagine that 👆 Well, this is more possible than you might think 😏 In fact, we have been using this process for FitPro Lead Gen for the last few years So this week, I thought was the right time to show the FitPro Incubator Coaching clients how it’s done… & how they can install it […]

My Top 3 SMS Automations 📱

I’m going to get right to it today 😆 If you do not have automated text messages set up for new prospects… then you are missing out • Missing out on sales 100% • Missing out on the speed of sales • Missing out on getting time back by doing it all manually Having been […]