🗣️ Flying At The Moment

These are the words from one of our “Done for You” marketing clients today​A Small Group Studio Owner up North England 👇 ✅ 3 clients converting from the FEO to monthly​✅ 2 new sign-ups on the front end / possibly a third​What a week right 🤩​1️⃣ New sales breathe confidence in your services​2️⃣ Confidence in […]

10k per month is all BULLSHIT! Here is why…

You see all the ads about getting your fitness business to 10k per month, maybe 20k per month or more​And on the outside, it sounds amazing​I used to get sucked into all this before 🤩​The thought of going from 2-3k a month in my fitness business to suddenly doing 10k​It would be life-changing right?​Hmmm 🤔 […]

The “Get Shit Done” Day 🔥

Today was a FitPro Incubator Coaching client “Get Shit Done” day​A bunch of us headed to London, locked ourselves in a room & got to work​Typically… it was the hottest day of the year so far, with ZERO aircon in the room 😆 Not only is it a super productive day for the clients, but […]

YOU… Are Costing Your Business the Profits 😬

This might be a difficult one to admit, but there is so much truth in it​& it was something Me & Ash spoke about on Friday: Being In Denial About Numbers 🧮​You can watch it here —>> https://www.facebook.com/iamdavidkyle/videos/1908641479587635​How sometimes we are scared to look at the bank balance for fear of what it’s NOT going […]

A Load Of Content For You 💪

It’s been a busy few days with a load of content going out to support you​So I wanted to give you a list of all the things​I’m also saving the best until last 😆​📲 Never Calling A Lead Again 💪
Here is a funny video that Ella & I did earlier, that also has a link […]

The Hidden Warm Leads 🤫

Sales can be a bit of a mindset game​Just like a striker for a football team​When the goals are coming, the confidence is high​But a few missed shots, the confidence drains & the goals dry up​It’s the exact same with sales, when you’re on a roll, they become easy to make​But when you miss a […]

3 Easy Mistakes To Make When Running META Ads 😢

It can be very costly when running META ads if you are not making sales​The most important part of the whole process will always be the chasing of the leads​Then your ability to sell once you have them on the phone or in front of you​But… if you can’t generate leads to begin with, then […]

My Birthday Gift To You 🎂

Today FitPro Lead Gen is 6 😎​How time has flown 😅​From someone asking me how DKnine was growing so quickly & if I could show them how I ran my ads​To now running ads for fitness businesses all over the world 🌍​And it’s all because of my….​Mum!​You see, my fitness business was going nowhere at […]

The Honeymoon Period 😏

For my own talk on Monday at the client summit event, I spoke about squeezing clients for everything you need​They squeeze you for sessions, insights, nutrition & so much more​In return, you need a load of things from them, not just the monthly payment​One of the key times to squeeze your clients for a few […]

Monday was 🔥

Sorry for the lack of anything the last few days​On Monday we had the FitPro Client Summer Summit down here in Cardiff 💪​Then we had the evening social 😆​Not to also mention moving office, and now Yodel have gone AWOL & decided all the new office chairs are a security risk 😆 don’t ask 🤷‍♂️​Anyway…​I […]