7 Things I Would Do Differently If I Was To Open Again…

Today’s training inside the FitPro Incubator coaching was all about… me 😆​It’s a question I get asked all the time, so I went in on a 40-minute training​Breaking down each one, why I got it wrong & how I would fix it this time​1️⃣ Know Your Total Business Costs… without knowing this number, you’ll have […]

That MAGIC Number… £15k pm

What makes it so unique is that​At this income, your business changes​💷 you start to become profitable​💷 you can start paying yourself a proper wage​💷 you can start reducing your working hours​😎 your stress levels drop​😆 that smile is there to stay, with pride​Once you get to £15k pm in your fitness business, YOUR LIFE […]

How Much Money Are You Leaving On The Table 💰

If you’ve not got a high-end VIP option for your fitness business​Then you’re massively missing out 😢​You’re going to have a good portion…​Maybe 10-20% of your current client base​Who would be willing to pay way, way more 🤩​When we were at Universal a few weeks back 🌎​We were getting hit with those offers all the […]

Want Easy… Potentially Free Leads?

I was scrolling on LinkedIn earlier when I saw a post on this exact topic​It’s a way that is way underutilised, but can deliver​Literally EPIC RESULTS 🤩​Not just a load of new leads​But increased awareness​& massive credibility​What I am talking about is…​Strategic Partnerships 💪​This is where you reach out & partner with companies & brands​That […]

I’m SO BUZZING for Adam, Here Is Why…

Last week, a message landed in my account​🗣️ David, I went ahead & took that studio First thought was… Adam, what have you done 😆​You see, Adam is an Incubator coaching client with a very, very well-priced studio that he sublets, & I mean, well priced!​With over 70 clients paying him £65, he is in […]

Meet Scott, Our Newest Incubator Coaching Client 💪

Bootcamp owner from South England​Who’s desperate to start earning a proper wage from his business​After all, that’s the whole point of becoming a business owner​Being able to earn what you want, buy the house you want, go on those holidays you want​Unfortunately, he isn’t able to do any of these 😢​To make things a little […]

Stop Letting Your Standards Drop 👊

It’s really costing you clients & therefore costing you profits​❌ Don’t let your staff have their phone on the gym floor❌ Don’t forget one week to check in with a few clients❌ Don’t leave a few days to reply to some of your clients​Small things like this are really costing you clients 😬​Take Universal, for […]

Predicting Long Term Client Retention 💰

Keeping clients for the long term is what is going to make the money in your fitness business​So if you’re struggling with retention now, there is probably one simple reason for it​When we entered Universal the other week, they had a clear plan to maximise US for what THEY need​They need us to spend more, […]

So, So, So Frustrated 😣

If you decide you want to help people grow their fitness business…​Then please actually teach them the foundations of building a solid business​& stop preying on struggling FitPros, rinsing them for thousands & delivering absolute drivel​Had a few calls the last few days & it blows my mind how much some people charge, yet deliver… […]

If I Was To Open A Gym Again…

A question I frequently get asked​So here goes, 5️⃣ things I would do if I was to open again 💪​1️⃣ Work Out The Rough Total Business Costs​As nothing else can really be fully understood if I don’t know my potential business costs​This will include my own personal take-home & expected business profits​Not to forget VAT […]