Donโ€™t get left behind…

Boris has changed the game today

In Wales on Friday, we where left still wondering when, guessing & predicting

Yet still had no clue ๐Ÿง

Today, even though itโ€™s still some way off

Gyms in England have a date, have something to work towards, something to count down until

So fellow FitPros in England

Itโ€™s time to not get left behind…

(this is defo the case for every nation really)

Now there is light at the end of this tunnel

A more visible path to what could be

Your prospects minds will start to change

From worrying as to if they will get COVID or how much longer can they keep working from home


We could possibly squeeze in a trip to Greece this year

Maybe it really is possible to get โ€˜Xโ€™ results now lockdown is ending

With this in place

I am REALLY pleading to you to…


One of our biggest clients in the UK, who has 3 gyms and over 2000 members on the books

Have got us getting their ads ready to go tomorrow morning

We at DKnine Fitness have been stepping up our own marketing

And I actually did a whole series a week back for the FitPro Daily that NOW is the right time to start framing your business

Your prospects minds are going to start switching

The competition around you is going to start building

Which means… YOU, my fellow FitPro

Need to be front of mind before a bigger business steps in and swoops on your prospects

Start positioning your business as a specialist

Start showing what you can help people achieve

Start showing these prospects in your area that you are the go-to Fitness Business in their area to get the results they desire ๐Ÿ™Œ

It doesnโ€™t have to be complicated

It doesnโ€™t even have to be expensive

Get on top of your social media, sharing tips, wins, successes and offers

Get messaging, emailing and talking to prospects

And finally start building your pool of prospects that are warm and excited to go the minute you get that confirmed date ๐Ÿ’ช

Otherwise someone like me or one of our clients may just turn up and pinch a few of your clients ๐Ÿ˜‰

Enjoy tonight ๐Ÿ™Œ

The road to reopening starts TOMORROW

David ๐Ÿ™‚