Category: Success

Personal Posts

So, So, So Frustrated 😣

If you decide you want to help people grow their fitness business…​Then please actually teach them the foundations of building a solid business​& stop preying


If I Was To Open A Gym Again…

A question I frequently get asked​So here goes, 5️⃣ things I would do if I was to open again 💪​1️⃣ Work Out The Rough Total


You CAN’T Do It All Yourself!

Growing your fitness business, making decent profits​Going on more holidays & having more time off​Requires a TEAM 👊​From lead gen, to sales, to client management


Increasing MRR Is Key To Profits 🔥

MRR or Monthly Recurring Revenue is how much you earn per client per month​If standard monthly memberships are all you’re offering, then you’re missing out