Expectations Come From Experience 💪

If you have been coaching clients for a few years now

There is a strong chance that you can have a quick chat, understand their goals

And have a good idea of how long it will take for them to achieve the goals they desire

How do you know this info?

Because you have practised, taken notes, tested and now have a good knowledge of expectations 🙌

This should be the exact same in your fitness business

Now for some, the results in the image might be life changing for your fitness business taking on a minimum of 10 new client’s at £120 each

For others like the client here…

Know that they should be working harder to improve on their sales numbers

How do they know???

Because they have been tracking, testing and know what to expect

And as the images shows, when expectations are not being hit

Then things need to be worked on 💪

Want to grow, build and scale your fitness business?

Then learn and master your business numbers 🤓

You got this 💪

David 🙂

P.S… Ready to start generating a consistent flow of leads?

Then here are a few ways we can help you get started:

✅ Come join 2K + FitPros from around the world inside our FREE group on Facebook for daily tips, updates & insights on Lead Gen & Marketing for your Fitness Business: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitproleadgen

✅ Let us show you inside The FitPro Portal, giving you tried & tested Ads training, Copy & Paste Facebook ads, copy & marketing campaigns, sales training, chasing leads & daily support inside our members group: https://www.thefitproportal.com/

✅ We can coach you to build your 10k pm Fitness Business, building your Lead Gen Eco-System in the process to make sure you have leads coming in every single day with our 12 week coaching programme: https://fitnessbusinessecosystem.com/

✅ Let us take care of your marketing needs with our “Done for You” option, where we will take care of your whole lead generation needs, management, everything, meaning all you need to do is chase and sell: www.FitProLeadGen.com/start