I Have An UNBELIEVABLE Offer For You 😆

But first, here is who it is for…

Gyms, Facility, SGPT & Bootcamp Owners

& now this particular offer would also work for PTs

Sorry, online FitPros, we just don’t generally work with you 🤷‍♂️

So if you didn’t know… we run Facebook & Instagram Ads for fitness business owners who need a consistent flow of leads into their inbox

In fact, we have been doing this for 5 years now

Winning 3 AWARDS in that time 😏

& not to forget, we did the exact same thing for FitHub30, which was the SGPT studio we had for 5+ years

So what is the offer?

For the past 5 years, we have always run a “Done for You” offer

But we keep getting requests to just set up the ads

So we have listened & have launched a “Done with You” offer 💪

Where we will…

✅ Set Up All Your Ad Campaigns For You Each Month

✅ We Create The Ads Copy & Creatives SPECIFICALLY To You… We Don’t Do Copy & Paste 😉

✅ We Build The Landing Page & Funnels Specifically For Your Offer

✅ We Create A Monthly Campaign Overview

✅ We Present Monthly Campaign Options That Match Your Business For You To Select From

✅ We Give You FREE Access To The FitPro Portal

✅ We Give You A FREE Ticket To The FitPro Summit

✅ We Support You Each & Every Day Inside Our Discord Community

So what’s the difference between the “Done with You” & “Done for You”

There are 2…

1️⃣ Once we set up the ads, you then simply have to turn the least performing ones off

2️⃣ The price 😆

So here is the UNBELIEVABLE offer

The “Done with You” is priced at £450 per month + Ads spend

& last month, we did a soft launch picking up our first 5 clients on it

Now, we need 5 more FitPros to really cement that this new service delivers the same AMAZING results as our “Done for You” service

So if this offer makes sense for your fitness business & you get in before we reach 10 clients

Then your first 3 months with us will be HALF PRICE

So instead of it being £450 x 3 = £1350

It will be £675 for the first 3 months

Like I said… An UNBELIEVABLE offer

But only 5 more spaces until we get to 10 clients on the “Done with You” service

Book a call here & I will personally chat over it all with you, as Ella’s on holiday 😆


You got this 💪

David 🙂