MRR or Monthly Recurring Revenue is how much you earn per client per month
If standard monthly memberships are all you’re offering, then you’re missing out big time on increasing your profits
McDonald’s always try to increase your order size with the: 🗣️ would you like to supersize that for only…
While Netflix tries to get you to upgrade to HD, 4K, or additional accounts to increase their MRR
Here at Universal, they have it going on everywhere, from food to merch & skip-the-line passes to yearly passes
Even if you can get your clients to buy one new T-shirt from you every other month, you’re increasing that client’s MRR
Supplements, support, merch, sessions
There are so many ways to increase it 🙌
These are the exact type of strategies we cover inside The FitPro Incubator
You got this 💪
David 🙂